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Dr. Michel Mertens

Dr. Michel Mertens

As a former clinician (with 10-year experience) and current teacher and researcher, I love to help patients, students, clinicians, and colleagues to improve their selves. As a clinician I enjoyed answering the healthcare request of patients, but also to offer courses to patients to improve their health and to sports associations to improve the health of their members. As a teacher I like to learn students a profession by offering knowledge and skills and prepare them for the work in the field. As researcher, I enjoy gaining new knowledge from the research I perform, to contribute to healthcare to improve patient care, to improve diagnostic and treatment skills of clinicians by offering knowledge and to help colleagues to improve their skills and grow as a researcher and person.

In a structured and dedicated way, with a focus on quality, I head to my goal and search for a new challenge. I use my analytic skills, without excluding alternative suggestions from others. To achieve my goals and those of fellow researchers I try to motivate them and collaborate with them.

Cursussen van deze docent

In deze cursus kijken we verder dan de schouder en gebruiken we een meer holistische benadering, waarbij we ons met name richten op systemische en neurofysiologische processen. De nadruk ligt hierbij op het klinisch redeneren, met veel casuïstiek en ruimte voor discussie.
18 juni 2024
aantal dagen: 1
Dr. Michel Mertens

Wat wil je doen?